
Onboard Wheelchair Assistance:

Aisle chair and an onboard wheelchair assistance is available if you need help to your seat after boarding the aircraft. Please click here for more information. 

Lavatories - Accessibility Features:

Spirit offers accessible lavatories on:

  • Airbus 320 (32A/32N) and 321 (32B) aircraft: These lavatories permit an individual with a disability to enter, exit, and maneuver within using the aircraft on-board wheelchair. The two single lavatories located in the aft section are equipped with a feature that allows them to be re-configured or converted into one bigger lavatory to accommodate these Guests.

For assistance with determining if your flight has an accessible lavatory, please click here to chat with an agent now, or text/call us at 855-SAVE-555.


Aircraft Accessible Lavatory Map:

Aircraft Map Image


Airbus A320 (32A/32N) – 182 Seats

Image A320

  • 12 seats reserved for Guests with disabilities
  • Non-moveable armrest seats: Rows 1-3
  • Aisle width: 24”
  • 8 Big Front Seats at the front of the plane (Pitch: Row 1 – 22”, Row 2 – 34”, Width: 22.8”, Under Seat Area: 20.75”x20” at widest point)
  • 3 lavatories – 1 lavatory on the left of the front and 2 lavatories at the back middle and left of the plane (these two lavatories combined can become one wheelchair-accessible lavatory)
    • Dimensions – Front: 37”x84”x46”, Back, when combined: 78”x87”x57”)


Airbus A321 (32B) – 228 Seats

Image A321 32B

  • 12 seats reserved for Guests with disabilities
  • Non-moveable armrest seats: Rows 1-3
  • Aisle width: 17”
  • 8 Big Front Seats at the front of the plane (Pitch: Row 1 – 22”, Row 2 – 34”, Width: 22”, Under Seat Area: 20.75”x20” at widest point)
  • 3 lavatories – 1 lavatory on the left of the front and 2 lavatories at the back middle and left of the plane (these two lavatories combined can become one wheelchair-accessible lavatory)
    • Dimensions – Front: 37”x84”46”, Back, when combined: 78”x87”x57”



Airbus A321 NEO (32Q) – 235 Seats

Image A321

  • 12 seats reserved for Guests with disabilities
  • Non-moveable armrest seats: Rows 1-3, 29EF, 30D
  • Aisle width:
    • Row 1-2: 25.7”
    • Row 3-38: 22”
    • Row 39: 21”
    • Row 40: 19.6”
  • 8 Big Front Seats at the front of the plane (Pitch: Row 1 – 22.9” Row 2 – 35”, Width: 20.9”)
  • 3 lavatories: 1 lavatory on the left of the front and 2 lavatories at the back of the plane (left and middle). 
Safety and Personal Care Assistants:
Our crew will not administer medication or assist in functions such as eating or help inside the lavatories. They cannot provide care during the flight other than general assistance. Guests requiring assistance with these functions should consider traveling with a safety or personal care assistant.