
In accordance with FAA regulation 14 CFR Part 121.585, if you are seated in an exit seat and cannot meet the following selection criteria, cannot perform the necessary functions, believe that performing the functions may injure you, have a non-discernible condition that will prevent you from performing the applicable functions, or you do not wish to assist our crew in the event of an emergency, please ask to be reseated. Your reason for reseating need not be given.


  • Be at least 15 years of age and have the capacity to perform all of the applicable functions without the assistance of an adult companion, parent, or other relative;
  • Be able to read and understand instructions (in English) related to emergency evacuation as provided in printed or graphic form, and be able to understand oral crew commands (in English).
  • Be able to see well enough to perform the applicable functions without the assistance of visual aids beyond contact lenses or eyeglasses;
  • Be able to hear well enough to understand instructions shouted by flight attendants, without assistance beyond a hearing aid;
  • Be able to speak well enough to impart information orally to other passengers;
  • Not have a condition or responsibilities, such as caring for small children or animal that might prevent you from performing one or more of the applicable functions; or
  • Not have a condition that might cause the person harm if he or she performs one or more of these functions.


The person has sufficient mobility, strength, or dexterity in both arms and hands, and both legs:

  • To reach upward, sideways, and downward to the location of emergency exit and exit-slide operating mechanisms;
  • To grasp and push, pull, turn, or otherwise manipulate those mechanisms;
  • To push, shove, pull, or otherwise open emergency exits;
  • To lift out, hold, deposit on nearby seats, or maneuver over the seatbacks to the next row objects the size and weight of over-wing window exit doors;
  • To remove obstructions similar in size and weight to over-wing exit doors;
  • To reach the emergency exit expeditiously;
  • To maintain balance while removing obstructions;
  • To exit expeditiously;
  • To stabilize an escape slide after deployment; or
  • To assist others in getting off an escape slide.


  • Locate the emergency exit;
  • Recognize the emergency exit opening mechanism;
  • Comprehend the instructions for operating the emergency exit;
  • Operate the emergency exit;
  • Assess whether opening the emergency exit will increase the hazards to which passengers may be exposed;
  • Follow oral directions and hand signals given by a crewmember;
  • Stow or secure the emergency exit door so that it will not impede use of the exit;
  • Assess the condition of an escape slide, activate the slide, and stabilize the slide after deployment to assist others in getting off the slide;
  • Pass expeditiously through the emergency exit; and
  • Assess, select, and follow a safe path away from the emergency exit.